Community Connections
Special Children's
Extravaganza 2022, 2023 & 2024
These parties are for special children who live with life threatening illness, physical or intellectual impairment, domestic violence, or in underprivileged circumstances. Many of the children who attend the events don't always get the opportunity to be invited to parties, this is a chance for them to feel normal. A place where they won't be judged, stared at, or avoided. Where parents and caregivers can relax, connect with others, and feel like they are not alone. Be Magical characters like Batman, Elsa and Sparkles the Rainbow fairy love to join this special event.
NZ Blood Service
There are many ways to be a superhero and I teamed up with a few local businesses to donate blood. Thanks for joining me Tony - Flower Homes, Thomas - Madmedia, Andy - Andy Thompson Photography NZ, and
Jeff - Greenlight Insurance.
Together we made a difference and helped save lives. One donation can help save the lives of up to 3 people.
Taranaki Air Ambulance Trust
Based at the New Plymouth Airport, the team works closely with the team at Taranaki District Health Board to provide a quality service for people who are in need of special care.
Every week, the Taranaki Air Ambulance makes an average of twelve flights carrying patients for life-changing or life-saving medical care not available in Taranaki. The Taranaki Air Ambulance Trust manages this essential service on behalf of the people of Taranaki.
In the last 12 months, the Taranaki Air Ambulance transported an average of 668 patients for urgent medical care that is simply not available in our region. The support of Taranaki people and businesses keeps this vital asset ready to take-off for life-changing and lifesaving flights for the people of our community.
We love to go and support the family open day with fairies and face painting.

Heart Kids Taranaki
Enchanted Tea Party 2023
Heart Kids Taranaki provides free, lifelong care and support for children, teens, adults and whānau impacted by childhood heart conditions.
News of a childhood heart condition can turn a family’s life upside down. They walk alongside families through diagnosis and treatment, offering support, knowledge and guidance. We make sure that our heart families have this support freely available during hospital stays and at home in the community.
We were happy to support an event to help raise funds and awareness of this great charity along side some other amazing business like Chaos to Confetti, Partini Parties, Andy Thomspon Photography, Idyllic, Academy of Dance and Piccolo Morso.
Hospital children's ward
Fairy Flutterwing likes to visit at the hospital to brighten the children's ward with a steady stream of magical moments whenever she can momentarily depart from the magical realm. She endeavors to sow seeds of joy and happiness with a range of activities for the children, including balloon animals, glittering wishes, face painting, crafts and captivating stories. Every child receives a uniquely special visit, designed to uplift their spirits for memorable moments filled with fun, happiness and positivity.
Connected to our Community
The collective power of individuals coming together to make a positive impact can lead to stronger communities that benefit everyone. We love collaborating with other businesses and finding ways to connect with our community. As we recognize the importance of giving back, let us strive to create a world where compassion and generosity are at the heart of our collective endeavors.